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Lactation/Breastfeeding Break


皇冠8868会员登录 Valley College, in compliance with the Fair Labor Standards Act, Title IV and Washington state law (RCW 43.10.005), adopts this policy to support the health and well-being of employees (see A.4以下 for information about students) and their infant children by providing a workplace that supports a decision of an employee to breastfeed their child. The college supports and encourages the practice of breastfeeding and the expression of breast milk by employees who are breastfeeding when they return to work. The college prohibits discrimination and harassment of breastfeeding employees who exercise their rights under this policy.

Upon return to work after the birth of a child and for two years thereafter, breastfeeding employees are allowed reasonable time to express milk during work hours.

A. 责任

  1. 员工
    员工 is responsible for requesting and arranging with their supervisor appropriate and reasonable break times or flexible scheduling for expressing milk. 员工 must provide her own pump, adapter, and accessories as well as a small cooler or insulated 袋.
  2. 主管
    The supervisor is responsible for providing reasonable paid break times each day for employees wishing to express breast milk. The supervisor must assist in providing a positive atmosphere of support for breastfeeding employees.
  3. Department in conjunction with supervisor
    The department, in conjunction with the supervisor, must provide a private location, other than a restroom, with a lock on the door for expressing milk.
  4. 学生 and instructors
    Although it is college policy not allowing student to bring their children 去上课, upon request, we need to provide a private space, other than a restroom, for the nursing parent to express milk. Although each parent and baby is different, a nursing parent may need to express milk every two to three hours. If a class runs long or the student has back-to-back classes without enough break time to express milk, the student must work with their instructor(s) to arrange a schedule to take a break during class. This includes exams that run long; a student must be allowed to express milk without 点球.
    It may be unlikely that a student will have their child brought to campus every two to three hours to breastfeed, but if that is what they decide to do, the college must accommodate the nursing parent. In no instance should the student bring the child 去上课.

Approved by the president’s cabinet: 11/5/19
Adopted by the board of trustees: 11/20/19
Last reviewed: 5/13/23
政策 contact: 人力资源

Related policies, procedures and other resources

000.260 Children on Campus 政策
Lactation 资源